![Delia Cristina Stamate](https://englishcenterltd.com/wp-content/uploads/delia-cristina.jpg)
Mrs. Florina Jasmine Niculescu is a change maker.
She founded an amazing initiative, a great center for people all over the world and she wrote history in the educational field in Romania. She helped tremendous youngsters during the years and helped people to develop new skills such as – public speaking and leadership.
She is one of the most gifted, smartest and best-prepared English teachers I have ever seen. I would like to thank her for everything that she learned me and for the amazing opportunities she gives to people.
She is definitely an inspiration.
Delia Cristiana Stamate
![Evelyn Paris](https://englishcenterltd.com/wp-content/uploads/evelyn-paris.jpg)
Guided by the principles of excellence and high-quality, the English Center is the ideal place to improve your English skills and to prepare yourself for studies abroad or for an international career. Under the careful guidance of Mrs Niculescu, you are sure to benefit from excellent English instruction adapted to your goals and needs.
Evelyn Paris
At the English Center I found a great place to polish my English skills and prepare intensively for exams such as the SAT, TOEFL, IELTS, and CPE. I also found plenty of help and guidance that facilitated my successful applications to universities in the United States and United Kingdom.
Costin Dobrin
I am an undergraduate at Columbia University, studying Mathematics and Financial Economics. At Columbia, I am one of the ten Science Research Fellows of my class, I have done research with Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz since my freshman year, I am the President of the Columbia Financial Investment Group and one of the 5 members of Columbia’s team to the Federal Reserve Challenge.
Without a couple of years of volunteering at the English Center and taking advantage of the numerous and unparalleled opportunities, I am sure I could not have fulfilled my dream of studying at a top US university. At English Center, I took more than 15 exams including SAT, College Board and LCCI ones. I also volunteered for many of the activities that Prof. Niculescu initiated, such as the Learn Smiling magazine where I worked as an Editor and Contributor, or the published book The Wonders of American and British Culture and Civilizations which I also co-authored. I was also very fortunate to take part in the national ESU public speaking competitions, debate contests, and international tours that Prof. Niculescu pioneered in Romania.
Looking back, besides furthering my English skills, my close work with Prof. Niculescu taught me how to have confidence in myself, as a result of being able to talk in public, develop coherent and convincing arguments. Yet, perhaps most importantly, English Center developed my strong work ethic-waking up early to help with long hours of proctoring, taking 5-7 exams in a week, presenting my speeches in front of tens of students and forcing myself to come up with answers to their questions- all have prepared me with vital skills in succeeding in any aspect of my college, job and life experiences.
Elif Memet
![Iman Munire Bilal](https://englishcenterltd.com/wp-content/uploads/iman-munirebilal.jpg)
Colaborarea cu doamna profesoara Florina Niculescu a fost una dintre cele mai inspirate decizii, cu ajutorul dumneaei mi-am perfectionat cunostintele de engleza, am invatat sa comunic mai elocvent si sa am mult mai mare incredere in mine. Sunt foarte recunoscatoare doamnei profesoare pentru ajutorul acordat în pregatirea mea pentru sustinerea testelor si examenelor, precum si pentru consilierea pe care mi-a oferit-o in dosarul de aplicatie. Studiez matematica la Cambridge
Iman Munire Bilal
![Anamaria Olaru](https://englishcenterltd.com/wp-content/uploads/anamaria-olaru.jpg)
A great place for everyone who wishes to learn or improve their English! Would recommend it to all those eager to become proficient in English.
Anamaria Olaru
![Tarik Kaan Bilal](https://englishcenterltd.com/wp-content/uploads/tarik-kaan-bilal.jpg)
Inainte sa o intalnesc pe doamna Florina Niculescu stiam putine despre procesul prin care fiecare elev roman trebuie sa treaca pentru a ajunge la o universitate buna. Doamna Niculescu m-a invatat cum sa studiez pentru examenele necesare admiterii si sa obtin scoruri foarte bune la acestea, indrumandu-ma in intregul proces de aplicatie la universitatile din U.K. Astfel, cu ajutorul doamnei Niculescu, am invatat sa scriu eseuri in engleza cu o structura, un vocabular si un stil mai bun, care sa prezinte mai bine ideile pe care vreau sa le exprim. Numai cu ajutorul doamnei Niculescu am reusit sa fiu admis la una din cele mai bune universitati din U.K., Imperial College London.
Tarik Kaan Bilal
![Razvan RN](https://englishcenterltd.com/wp-content/uploads/razvan.jpg)
Excellent place to develop your English skills or even start from scratch. This is where I have been equipped with the necessary capabilities to begin my international career. Very modern, and an great teacher with which I am friends even to this day.